How to enable two-factor authentication in Rocket League?

  In this post, we will explain how to enable two-factor authentication in Rocket League.

  What is two-factor authentication for?
Two-factor authentication helps to make sure that you can get access to your account and inventory. That’s why it’s necessary for the trade between the players.

  How to enable two-factor authentication in Rocket League?
  To enable two-factor authentication in Rocket League you need to:
   1. Go to a page of your EpicGames account
   2. Go to the tab PASSWORD AND SECURITY
   3. Then under «TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION» choose the option that you want to enable:

  • AN APP FOR AUTHENTICATION: Use an app for authentication to enable two-factor authentication. When you log in you have to use the safety code that is provided by your Authenticator app.
  • AUTHENTICATION THROUGH SMS: Use your mobile phone for two-factor authentication when you login in. You need to use the safety code that we will send you through SMS.
  • ENABLE TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION THROUGH YOUR EMAIL: Use the safety code that we sent to you in your email for two-factor authentication. The safety code will be sent to the email that you used for your account on this site. You have to use it when you log in.

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